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Building Legacy Fund

Help preserve and maintain the Museum's home - the historic Boyd House.


Thank you for your donation!

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The Chelsea Area Historical Society was formed in 1974 to help preserve Chelsea's rich history.  The organization was a bit of a gypsy for many years as it moved from temporary home to temporary home.  Finally, in late 2014, CAHS purchased its first permanent home - the historic 1853 structure at 128 Jackson Street - just opposite the historic Chelsea Train Depot.  With a strong fundraising effort, the mortgage on the building was paid-off in the fall of 2019 thus assuring a long-term permanent home for Chelsea history.


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The Mission of the Chelsea Area Historical Society is to gather and preserve Chelsea area history, educate the public, and promote the restoration and preservation of historic buildings and sites for future generations. Your donation helps us gather, exhibit, and preserve the story of Chelsea's history. Please click the button to the right to donate to our general fund. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. You may also donate via personal check made payable to the CAHS, and mail to 128 Jackson St., Chelsea MI 48118

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Your donation to the Building Legacy Fund helps preserve and maintain the Museum's home - the historic Boyd House.  To donate electronically, click the link below. You may also donate via personal check made payable to the CAHS, and mail to 128 Jackson St., Chelsea MI 48118

CAHS building legacy fund facebook.jpg

Join us!

Our Membership Meetings are generally held on the second Monday of January, March, May, September, November, ending with a December pot-luck. You are encouraged to share your area of expertise, your stories or just come and experience some Chelsea history. Several times a year, we are able to provide special programs for members.

  • ​Click on the PDF icon to the right to download and print your CAHS Membership Form. Mail, email, or drop off the completed form to the Museum.

  • To pay by check: make payable to "Chelsea Area Historical Society" and mail to CAHS at 128 Jackson Street, Chelsea, MI  48118   

  • Or pay by PayPal: Use the Buy Now button on the right (or below on your cell phone). Enter "Membership" and amount of your membership level: 

    • Individual: $15

    • Senior (60+): $10

    • Junior (under18): $1

    • Patron: $35

    • Business$150

Pay for Membership via PayPal/Buy Now 

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  • Discounts --- Some events during the year that have charges associated with them may be offered to members at a discounted rate.

  • Museum Access –-- Members also have the benefit of scheduling a special appointment with a board member for small groups to tour the museum.

  • Discount in the Gift Shop –-- Members receive a 10% discount on all items sold at the Museum Store



  • Individual Membership --- shall be a person over the age of 18.  Individual Members shall have one (1) vote, may hold office, and may serve on committees. $15.00/year

  • Senior --- membership shall be available to any person over the age of 60. Senior Members shall have one (1) vote, may hold office, and serve on committees. $10.00/year

  • Junior --- members shall be any person between the ages of 12 to 18. Junior members may serve on committees. Shall not vote. Shall pay annual dues. $1.00/year

  • Patron --- members shall be any person providing support to CAHS. Patron members shall have one (1) vote, may hold office, and may serve on committees. $35.00/year

  • Business Membership --- shall be issued in the name of the business entity. The owner of the business shall have one (1) vote at any meeting of the membership.  May serve on the Board of Directors, shall not serve as an officer. Dues will be established by the Board.  Membership entitles the business to complimentary advertisements  on the website with Board approval. $150.00/year

  • Membership Term --- is for one year.  Beginning with your membership this year, your term will run from the date we receive your payment and expire on that date one year later.  We will notify you when your membership term is coming due. 

Chelsea Area Historical Society Board



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Saturdays - Noon to 3pm
Summer Thursdays during Sounds & Sights - 6:30 to 8:30pm
Chelsea Area Historical Society

128 Jackson St.
Chelsea MI 48118



© 2021 by Chelsea Area Historical Society. 

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